Monday 10 October 2011

Wisdom for living Successfully

Young adults couch

Wisdom for living successfully

Hi there its been a while since we've been together in the young adults couch. I have been busy with so much on my plate but I am back and I know we will have a great time. I have been doing my research however and I have all my info I need about young adults so you are sure to get value for money. Well its free but you will be empowered. I will endeavor to address the areas of need that stand out the most in the life of a young adult. So if you have questions you want addressed send them through and we will discuss them together and find some answers.

In the next few blog' I want to tackle the subject of ''Market place empowerment'' as you develop in life and come to the place of making decisions about careers, relationships, finances, success, marriage and so on; you begin to realize that there is a lot of decisions to make. This is a part of life and we all have to go through this stage. My real challenge with all this is we were never taught how to make decisions well. It always amazes me why the education system in Africa does not teach some of these important matters. They seem to teach things that make us good subjects, good workers and all the other smaller stuff, but never the important things like opening off shore investment accounts, how to change an unjust constitution. After all who wants Africans making good decisions and influencing the world?

I believe that the greatest thing our education system can do for us is to empower people to make a difference in life and I am not talking about tertiary education I am talking about primary and secondary school. I am talking about coming out of school with the necessary tools to make life work. Anyway lets talk to you now, what life decisions are you making in this season? Do you feel adequately equipped to make them? Are you living life by design or by accident? I discovered that most people are just living by chance hoping that somethings happens tomorrow to make things better. LIFE IS GOVERNED BY PRINCIPLES.

These are very important questions that every young adult needs to look at and give considerable time thinking through these. Failure to do so means you will never reach your full potential. I have always taught that the most outstanding ingredient in life that makes one stand out in life is vision. Proverbs says where there is no vision the people perish, another translation says where there is no divine guidance the people run wild. That sounds like what is going on. In other words vision is a means of receiving divine guidance. There is an inference that there is a blueprint or master plan for ones life. Success therefore is the ability to see perceive that plan and begin to act it out its the ability to fully live out all that is ordained for you. I teach people that if you can Perceive it you can conceive it and you can achieve it. Or what the mind can perceive it can conceive and it can achieve. If you have a viosion of it your mind can create a path to make it happen.

Your career, you relationships, your finances must therefore of necessity meet certain standards that God has set. Do not live below the God set standard endeavor to live life out to the full.  I was telling people that there are many people living below the BDL Blessing datum line. In order to do this you will need to be well connected to people that will enable you to do that. When you have a picture of the life that is to be lived the next thing you need is the necessary relationships that will bring into your life the knowledge, skills and information needed to make your vision a reality. John Maxwell teaches a law called the law of the inner circle ''Those closest to you determine the level of success'' can I pause here and encourage you to do a relationship inventory. This means you have to ask yourself these questions and take time to write the detailed answers; after giving thought to your answers you will find that you have what I call "relationship clutter".

That means there are some relationships that are not necessary and there are others that are being underutilized. We all tend to find it easier to spend time with the ''liability relationships" and not "investing" time into "asset relationship". I use these word deliberately because when you spend time its gone and when you invest time its an asset that will work for you later. We will talk more on this in a later blog. Let me close by giving you the questions you need to ask yourself.

1. Who are the top ten people in my life?
2. On a scale of 1-10 rate the relationship to see if the is good return on investment. In other words you say. John is my friend I invest four hours a week with him, what returns am I getting from this relationship. This sound technical and unfriendly well if you feel a relationship has no or little value you will not be committed to it. If you discover that it is a key relationship its value will appreciate and you will get more from it.
3. Are these relationships necessary?
4. Are these relationships adding to the vision in my heart?
5. What key areas in my life are not getting a consistent or sufficient supply of investment?

Look at each question deeply and honestly and your life will begin to change. The quality of life=quality of information knowledge)=quality of relationships. Remember the equations from school, I hated them but these ones are easier. You can put these together in any order and get standard results. Which part d you need to change? Let me leave it at that so you can buy the whole kit on building key relationship and dealing with relationship clutter.

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