Thursday 15 March 2012

Should I share my treasures?

FAQ’s for young adults couch

The article I posted yesterday has stirred up some interest in similar areas and it has led to me having to post this blog now to answer a burning question that has been asked a number of times. If you did not see the article I posted yesterday read it, it will help you.
Pastor what is wrong with giving my boyfriend before we get married, we are already engaged and he has paid and he is known to my family?

I remember just after I made an appearance at my in-laws and we were now half married we were told we could take our wife as we had followed the necessary protocol. I don’t know whether that was a trick question or they were serious. To tell the truth the temptation to agree and drive away on a honey moon was great but I had two challenges in fact three. One I was a Pastor and still am. Two my team consisted of an uncle and my big brother and some pastors. I could have convinced the first two that I am married but the pastors were not going to hear any nonsense and third I was scared I had not been given the flying instructions so I would not know what to do. So I gave up the offer and we said we are Christians and we had to get the blessing before God and so on. Inside I was thinking there are Pastors here they can bless us that it. Well you might be saying pastor you are supposed to be holy. Well I am very holy trust me but I want to illustrate to you that if you do not have safety measures around you, you will get into trouble.

The answer to the question is simple the only time God looks at a sexual union and blesses it is when it is between husband and wife in a marriage that has been blessed before God.

Why are the rules so tough we love each other and we desire each other sexually?

The power of marriage is in the covenant that is made between the two of you and that covenant is held together by trust. The moment you indulge in sexual intimacy you violate the trust factor and sooner or later there will be a problem. Pleasure without reasonability is dangerous and it will lead to compromise in the trust factor of you relationship. The pursuit of the man id based on the promise of the pleasure and the covenant that you are building and when you give him he will wonder why its free and he will wonder who else is getting and when you try and convince him that hey you are the only one, because trust is already compromised there will be a problem.

I teach my children that God has given you some treasures and they know exactly where those treasure are (if you need help to know them call me) then I teach them the treasure were given to you by God to look after them well and one day when you get married you will be able to give them to you spouse. So we talk about hide you treasures, look after your treasures etc. now if you take the treasures and share them before Christmas day when Christmas comes the treasures have already been open and there is no excitement and anticipation. Honeymoon is just like well whats new?

Worse if you have shared your treasures with more than one person. Think of this picture we go for lunch and we a soda the waiter brings it to the table and its open and you say who opened it? The waiter points to this tall rough bearded man on another table and says well he did and after a few sips he decided he did not want it so he ordered something else, but its ok he only took a few sips most of it is still in there we will reduce the price in fact you can have it on the house. What would you do? That might be you last visit to that restaurant. My wife and I can share a soda without thinking in fact when we go for dinner she always takes food from me and I take her juice. No pun intended. But we have no problem with that, but if you came and said I left this juice for you I will….

If we are so strict about juice how can we be slack about our treasures? God is very strict about matters of purity he says flee fornication. In fact there are four interesting things he says we must flee from, fornication, youthful lusts, idolatry and the wrong relationship with money. We will talk about these another day. But to flee is a strong word, God used it deliberately because that’s what we need to do. A perfect picture is Joseph who fled and left his cloak. He had an opportunity to sleep with Potiphers wife and no one would have known. The Bible says she was casting her eye on him. Now its easy for a woman to resist that but for a man it’s a different story that is why I say ladies have mercy on the guy wait to unleash your sexual energy at the honey moon.

There is a law called the law of diminishing returns. The more you get the more you want. Just being together gets boring, so you hold hands, then that gets boring then you cuddle then that not enough then you start heavy petting then that has no thrill then… whops how did that happen. They say when hearts are connected lips want to meet and of course the rest is history so guard against that.

Let me close with a story in 2nd Samuel 13. We find a number of characters that I want to introduce to you. Absolom the proud vengeful prince, Amnon the lustful selfish prince, Tamar the beautiful attractive naive virgin princess, Jonadab the sneaky advisor and cousin, David the father with poor judgment and no attention to his children and the servants. The Bible says Amnon loved his sister Tamar and the word used here is not agape the God kind of love no its “aheb” which means he loved her or “had sexual affection towards” notice what made hive love her more or lust after her was the fact that she was a virgin. There is nothing wrong with the two of you have sexual affection for each other in fact if its not there is something wrong but what takes over board is if it is not controlled and governed which is what Amnon failed to do. He made himself sick from his lust and got advise from Jonadab.

Ladies please note there is a Jonadab in every man and all the brothers be careful of Jonadab he advises you to do all the wrong things. He says you can handle, just watch a little bit, just touch a little bit you can handle it. There are people that are dead because of Jonadab including Amnon because he was eventuality killed by the proud vengeful prince Absolom for raping their sister.

Here are some thoughts to consider. Why did the father not read through the lie and allow his daughter to fall pray to a lustful young man? Where was the brother when the sister went to cook for the half brother? Surely he knew that Amnon had issues. Why did Tamar agree to go in after Amnon had sent the servants out of the house? Why did Amnon not want to follow the advise given by his sister to say marry me then all the treasures will be your?

Well these are serious questions what do you think?

Last question
How can I say no without hurting his feelings?

Well you just say no and leave
There is no way to say with out hurting his feelings either in his heart or in other places but if you hurt his heart and his feelings he will respect you. If you hurt yours by submitting to him you will be hurt for life and you will loose your dignity. Which is better?

Well you asked me some questions so allow me to as you some. What are the answers to these questions I have asked you?


  1. Why did Amnon not want to follow the advise given by his sister to say marry me then all the treasures will be yours?
    Probably he didn't love her "that way"- enough to marry her, he wanted her treasures- process of marriage would have taken too long- and he wanted her "now"- LUST-

    MY QUE?
    When does marriage become marriage before God- blessed by God (especially within the African culture context)?
    1. Is it when the guy proposes and the girl says yes?(The two have agreed to walk together)
    2. When the lobola has been paid up, like in your case and the parents say , she is your wife now,we bless your union ?
    3. When the Pastor pronounces the two husband and wife in a "white wedding"?- considering that the element of white wedding is western, and in our African context, lobola seals the deal, I have always asked my self - Is not paying lobola and having a 'white wedding"- double marriage?

    1. I like your answer up there lust never wants commitment for sure. This world is full of lust. Girls if a guy is in a rush and does not listen to what you say. He is a player don't waste your time and emotions on him. Talk to the hand the face is busy.

      About your question; It depends if you want an African wedding, a western wedding or a blessed wedding. The African wedding just ay the dues and thats it after they "Pereka" you, you are now his wife. A western wedding just sign the paper we throw confetti and eat and party thats it. I blessed marriage is more elaborate these are the steps to it.

      1. You and him agree you love each other and want to get married
      2. You give an account of your plans to relevant authorities and get their blessing (Parents, pastors, mentors, friends, and the registrar of marriages)
      3. You go through counseling and teaching based on the Bible so that you can lay good foundations. (the other two do have some kind of counseling also but it needs review)
      4. You then have a representative of heavens government solemnize your covenant and seal what God has done in you. God recognizes the marriage from the time you make the covenant and seals it when blood is shed on the honeymoon sheets.

      The party and food is good it helps us remember but it is not necessary for it to be ratified.
      Mixing all the different cultures adds flavor some things are symbolic more than anything

  2. sure, we need to be taught and educated. There is need to demystify these issues coz they are affecting tongue talking people on a daily basis

  3. the question that is stuck with me is the one where you asked Why did Tamar agree to go in after Amnon had sent the servants out of the house? could it be the reason why we have so many people sharing their treasures..cause they agree to some alone time with people they trust. thank you for this very helpful discussion

  4. I hear all you have said, but what if you have already given it to him and he still loves you very dearly and you plan on getting married to him pretty soon actually and you trust him?

    1. You need to stop and put things in order because one day later when you are married the thought will come "who else got it?" I see so many relationships of couples that were involved sexually facing some challenges because of the compromise. The guy needs to control himself and say I am sorry to the woman and the woman needs to tell the guy no more till we put things in perspective, shortcuts don't pay. Sin has a prize to it

  5. @ anonyms aslong as u not marid scripture dimz t as sin f u gv him nometa hw much da wait til mariag

  6. Hello All, My name is Bob Mbayo. I'm a french speaker. So excuse me for my English.
    I will try to explain this difficult topic according to the word of God. The Bible says:
    " So then, he who marries the virgin does right, but he who does not marry her does better." (1Cor7:38)
    Please, note that, The effectiveness of marriage is based on this verse. According to this verse, one person(or group of person) must marries someone. this is the foundation. mean, A relevant person, according to your culture must allow someone to get marries someone. It's not only the decision from two lovely person, but the marriage must be allowed before that two persons decide to live together, have sex , kids and so on! It's not just about sex, It's about the covenant between christian and his God, between two Christians. It's about the holiness without which no one shall see God.
    Let me tell you the truth, it's not easy but, it's possible. The Bible Talk about "virgin".
    Mean, According to the thought of God, men and women should be virgin married for the holiness's and covenant's reason. But if we are no longer physically virgin and that God has forgiven us, we must not remain in our old habits. Just let us decide once we're agree with God, to get married & have sex according to the rules.

    God Bless you All

    Bob TM

  7. Wow there has been a lot of discussion on this matter I tend to agree always with what the Bible say's its unfortunate that there are people particularly young ladies that still operate on a premise of trust when it comes to sexual matters. Even if the guy heals the sick and raises the dead during his social time. When it comes to sexual matters do not depend on the trust factor use principles. The law of diminishing returns kicks in and he wants more and more and more and then the thrill is gone and so is he.

    Ladies don't be naive men can only use one head to think at a time they cannot multi task. I have seen too many broken hearts, lost dreams, and pregnant women to know that even the sweetest guy will have a challenge making the right decision when the heat is on. Avoid traps. The value of true love and relationship is in the respect that you have for your girlfriend or boy friend and for each other. Bob you wrote well I like what you said. The word virgin these days is something people are ashamed about. Am sure you noticed that as soon as Tamar was raped by her brother she took of the cloths she was wearing as a virgin daughter of the king and she wore different cloths. Being a virgin was something to be proud of.

    Virgins why are you ashamed that you have kept yourself pure while those without morals are making their lifestyles looks so amazing. They have nothing to lose anymore and you have a true treasure to share.


    1. About Virginity, There is a lot to say. If you open another discussion about this matter, we're going to say something about it.
      @Memoirs of dreamers: Let me tell you something about Tamar and Amnon. This story was not about love or not love But about Passion. This is the source of all sin "flesh passion" (firstly). Secondly, When Tamar asked his Brother to marry her, she was just desperate. According to Jews's culture brothers and sisters were not allowed to get married each others. Even If Amnon wanted to married her, he could not.

      Bless u All

      Bob TM

  8. Many thanks Pasta,
    About Virginity, There is a lot to say. If you open another discussion about this matter, we're going to say something about it.
    @Memoirs of dreamers: Let me tell you something about Tamar and Amnon. This story was not about love or not love But about Passion. Flesh passion. This is the source of all sin "Flesh passion" (firstly). Secondly, When Tamar asked his Brother to marry her, she was just desperate. According to Jews's culture brothers and sisters were not allowed to get married each others. Even If Amnon have expressed the desire to marry her, he could not. Tamar knew it !

    Bless you all

    Bob TM

  9. Pastor u did not touch on kissing pple do it in christian relationship does e word say n thing about it or whats your advise to young adults abt this

  10. I am a young man who has found his other rib and has paid the bride and my fiancée we have had our sexual moment and we both agreed to hold that till we get married now my challenge is how do i show her i love her without kissing her and ending up having sex...i have heard ladies saying that church guys are of no fun so please help me i dont want to break our agreement of not having sex until we get married but now how do i make her feel loved....

  11. @ anonymous-love is not all about sex, you both made the agreement which is good and stick to it. love can be shown in so many ways buy her flowers and presents, take her out for lunch, tell her you love her.share the word together you will have fun avoid being in places that are concealed. also do not take long to have a wedding because you may both be tempted and temper with the treasures that you will not enjoy yourselves on your honeymoon time.
