Saturday 25 August 2012

My Story Pastor

Interesting perspective

I could not have said this better than sister anonymous; her experience is such a great lesson for many young adults. Read learn and let me know what you think.
In response to " Are Christian guys boring to date"

Not at all. It’s been over a year that I’ve given my life to Christ and have made a few Christian friends and dated one.
Coming from the world and being a single mother it was very refreshing to be in a relationship with someone who didn’t require sex as part of the relationship.

I felt so loved and it amazed me how someone could genuinely display love without the physical element.

To me it was a little bit difficult in the beginning as I had my unbeliever mentality in terms of if I’m in a relationship sex is part of the package.

I appreciate what the brother did; he was very strict, as he had never had sexual intercourse before. He knew exactly where to draw the line and told me when to back off when it seemed i was getting too comfortable.

It was obvious that he was physically attracted to me however he didn’t need to show it physically by kissing or caressing it, I just felt it.

Being with a Christian brother is peaceful, if he is in a good church and serving God faithfully it automatically overflows into the relationship. He is faithful to u, accountable to you and caring.

I realized that he loved me so much that he wouldn’t sleep with me because he was protecting us and our separate relationships with God.

This is a great testimony. Many Christian ladies think they are missing out when they get a decent saved man who is not out to touch and taste. Hollywood told us that we are boring. I have a similar testimony the two ladies I dated before I met my wife told me I was boring and maybe I was in that I was always preaching praying and healing the sick because that’s what I saw in the Bible. I was so spiritual ladies in church used to say that if you marry brother Tich he will take you to a conference for your honeymoon. Well I did not see much wrong with that and I nearly did it.

But boring meant that I was not sexually oriented. Does that mean my body did not want to have sex with them? No not at all I just had values that I could not violate.

Let me know your story and we can share it.

1 comment:

  1. I have dated some of the christians sister because of always speaking the word and encouraging (motivating)them some of them end up calling me school boy,some says i dont have a heart for women, i dont have life i end up wanting to live the way it will pleases them but i remember that if carry a vision not everyone will understand your life style.
