Saturday, 25 August 2012

My Story Pastor

Interesting perspective

I could not have said this better than sister anonymous; her experience is such a great lesson for many young adults. Read learn and let me know what you think.
In response to " Are Christian guys boring to date"

Not at all. It’s been over a year that I’ve given my life to Christ and have made a few Christian friends and dated one.
Coming from the world and being a single mother it was very refreshing to be in a relationship with someone who didn’t require sex as part of the relationship.

I felt so loved and it amazed me how someone could genuinely display love without the physical element.

To me it was a little bit difficult in the beginning as I had my unbeliever mentality in terms of if I’m in a relationship sex is part of the package.

I appreciate what the brother did; he was very strict, as he had never had sexual intercourse before. He knew exactly where to draw the line and told me when to back off when it seemed i was getting too comfortable.

It was obvious that he was physically attracted to me however he didn’t need to show it physically by kissing or caressing it, I just felt it.

Being with a Christian brother is peaceful, if he is in a good church and serving God faithfully it automatically overflows into the relationship. He is faithful to u, accountable to you and caring.

I realized that he loved me so much that he wouldn’t sleep with me because he was protecting us and our separate relationships with God.

This is a great testimony. Many Christian ladies think they are missing out when they get a decent saved man who is not out to touch and taste. Hollywood told us that we are boring. I have a similar testimony the two ladies I dated before I met my wife told me I was boring and maybe I was in that I was always preaching praying and healing the sick because that’s what I saw in the Bible. I was so spiritual ladies in church used to say that if you marry brother Tich he will take you to a conference for your honeymoon. Well I did not see much wrong with that and I nearly did it.

But boring meant that I was not sexually oriented. Does that mean my body did not want to have sex with them? No not at all I just had values that I could not violate.

Let me know your story and we can share it.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Christians are boring to date?

Lets talk dating, courting, kissing and sex

Hey thank you for the responses sent on the blogs let me address some of the things that have come up as questions. I need to be clear to you that the Word of God is the best foundation for building your life. I have seen so many people hurting and going through so much pain because they never took heed to the Word of God. Let it be clear in you mind Hollywood does not love you; they did not die for you all they want is your money and your soul to go to hell. They ensure they depress enough people to sell anti depressants to and enough people with HIV to sell ARV’s enough divorces to say marriage does not work try our option of alternate lifestyles, the list goes on.

On the other hand God loves you so much He sent Jesus to die for you and paid the ultimate love price to show that His intentions are not malicious. The irony is that we believe the lie and reject truth, thinking God is trying to take away our fun in life. Anyway enough of that lets look at some responses.

“I am a young man who has found his other rib and has paid the bride price... me and my fiancĂ©e we have had our sexual moments and we both agreed to hold that till we get married now my challenge is how do I show her I love her without kissing her and ending up having sex... I have heard ladies saying that church guys are of no fun so please help me I don’t want to break our agreement of not having sex until we get married but now how do I make her feel loved?”

This is a big question in the minds of many young people and the answer is simple enough. For a guy showing me that you love me is give me sex and we often make the mistake of thinking that women think the same way. Sex to a woman is an expression of the closeness that you share particularly when the woman feels she can open up to you and be vulnerable. I was shocked when I got married and discovered that sex does not translate to love in my wife’s head. At this moment if you keep the promise you made to her you might communicate to her that you do live and value her more than any other act.

Secondly it is Hollywood that has painted the picture that the ideal “exciting relationship” is the one where every date ends up with the two of you tearing of your clothing and biting each other and you end up making love in the car, bed or some other strange place. This works in marriage but non-committal relationships leave you with a bad taste and guilt and heartache.

I highly recommend that courting couples avoid doing things that get your sexual gears going like touching, petting, caressing, smooching and extended high pressure hugs. Now if after you read this you say wow that has taken away all the fun things we can do then you are boring and your creativity is below sea level. There is more to love and marriage than sex, when you get married you will get very stuck and sex will have lost value to you. If the sexual pressure is high then set an earlier wedding date and get out of the danger zone. Sex kills creativity and proper discovery of each other as this will now cause you to be motivated to be together only for sex.

Remember you motivation is love for each other not that you are afraid of going to hell. I had opportunity to have sexual intercourse with my girlfriend then but the thought of messing up her life and value system and the thoughts that she would think that I just want her body not her helped me make some decisions that helped me. In counseling couples that have had sex before marriage and are about to get married we often say to the guy you need to apologize to your girlfriend because as the head you are supposed to protect her and by doing this you have violated trust and you need to build a strong trust foundation before she can totally open up to you without the same feeling of being taken for a ride. She goes through the relationship thinking, “I am just a pair of bums, thighs and breasts and I am a vagina. I am not a person but a toy to give him entertainment.” I had something to look forward to at our honeymoon and that made everything that much more special. Though I had a lot to learn I was so ignorant but that’s a topic for another day.

You need to talk to each other a define fun according to you and the Word of God. There is a reason why God said flee fornication and there are benefits. Its always a bit sad when we marry couples that have been doing it as there is no excitement to say “wow I am going to discover something new” its more like “well been there done that, got the empty condom packet to prove it”. A honeymoon should be filled with anticipation and anxiety, oh wow what will he think? What will I do? How will she respond? Too many times we have too much experience. This is one area where your CV should say no experience in this area.

Hope my language is not too strong for you if it is its ok we all need a shake up once in a while, but this is how we are in the young adults couch. Speaking the truth in love.

My second response is to a young lady with the following question.

Good evening Sir

Thank you for a lovely blog, it’s blessed me a lot.

Firstly can we define what courtship is?
As a sister, you are at a point in your life when you looking to settle down so you meet a lot of brothers and after getting to know them, u have an idea of who you would like to continue with from the circle of friends.

As a lady, I like to define everything in my life, so since dating isn’t really seen in the Christian society, there’s a gentleman whom I’m interested in and he is interested in me but we aren’t dating, we just friends so there’s not really any commitment towards us.

And then you find that this gentleman is going around having dates with other ladies as he is free to do so because the two of you are just friends.

It usually leaves a lady in a position where she is hurt.

Are there different stages between courting and engagement?

Wow this is deep my sister let me me begin by saying thank you for the comment about the blogs, its always good to know someone is being ministered to.

To answer you let me begin by defining courtship. This is the process of focusing your attention on a particular person and investing time in the relationship with the intent of establishing a meaningful marriage relationship.

In other words you find some one you have a keen interest in and you want to establish a relationship that will lead to marriage. You are not experimenting you are focused because he/she meets your requirements list and you feel confident that God is happy with your choice. This is not the stage of investigating basic info. Is he seeing someone else, is he a visionary person? Does he have a trustworthy character etc. this should have been done way before you even begin to settle on making room for him in your life.

Many people ladies in particular wait until late to get the 411 (vital info) and by the time they get it they are already getting dizzy with love (infatuation) that they cannot think straight. I hear this a lot “Pastor I am confused this guy is like this and that I love him but…” think of it you only attend interviews to jobs that you are comfortable with because you research on the company that’s about to hire you. Why not use the same sense when it comes to a lifetime commitment?

To avoid getting hurt control your hormones and emotions by speaking to them and keeping your head then when your info is clear let him into your space slowly, this is heart and emotion space not body space. This leads to the courtship, which again should be, build on trust and accountability. I tell my daughters don’t trust a guy who is not accountable and submitted somewhere, he will play you, hurt you chew you and spit you out and you are left to clean the sticky mess. Value yourself and carry yourself in a way that will make him value you. After all you are worth it, have you seen how beautiful you are?

As the courtship stage matures he should begin to take the relationship seriously and should introduce you to key people that will evaluate you and see where the two of you are headed and that’s about the time that he should ask you to marry him and engagement etc. engagement is a point in time during the process of courtship that he clearly makes his intentions known to you and the key people in your lives. If during the process of courtship he is not focused he needs counseling or to be kicked out of your life. This will be a trait that you will deal with in the marriage if its not sorted at the beginning.

Is it true Christian guys are boring to date? what do you want them to do to you? What's you ideal experience?

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Holy Word versus Hollywood

Choose yee this day

Holy Word versus Hollywood

There are a lot of words being spoken in the world today and all these words are endeavoring to be "truth" to us. What you choose to be your source of truth will determine the quality of life you will live. As a young adult you are under pressure to make decisions based on all these sources of truth.

Pilate asked one of the most powerful questions that can be asked today in John 18:38 and Pilate said "what is truth" after saying this he went back to the accusers and said "I see no fault in this man at all" wow. Let's deal with the first statement first, what is truth? This is a big question in our lives because we are constantly making decisions based on what we perceive to be truth. We all create our realities based on what we determine to be truth.

I want to zero this on the matter of relationships, as this is a key area in your life as a young adult. Hollywood has painted this amazing picture of the way relationships work. Boy meets girl the fall in love at first sight or there is a fight then they fall in love and when they do the lips find each other then they are glued to each other then hands tear of cloths and they make passionate love in ways that it can only be done by actors. You got to be paid to do that stuff it does not happen in real life that's why the divorce rate is high in Hollywood (or rather its low because there are few marriages)

The second statement is a confirmation, consolation and comfort that if you use Christ as the premise of truth in your life you will be safe. Pilate said "I find no fault in him AT ALL" (emphasis added) there is nothing wrong with this man he has no fault in his believes, values or what he represents. Wow what words to come from a man that was supposed to be an enemy. I have always wondered how they make that clicking sound when kissing in the movies I think I need lessons. Lol. But the truth is we are under the impression that what we see in movies is real and when we don't find it in our relationships we go shopping hoping to find it.

Using the Word of God as your foundation for building your relationship is the wisest thing you can do. In fact using any other source of "truth" has proved to be disastrous, marriage has been under severe attacks throughout history because the enemy has always known the power of good marriages. Right from the garden the devil attacked the first marriage and won that's why we have problems today.

There are so many substitutes to "truth" for your relationships let's look at what Hollywood says about the matter and compare it with the Holy Word of God.
Look at the list below and compare number 1 from Hollywood and number 1 from Holy Word etc and see where you stand.

1. Fall in love (you can fall out of love when things get difficult)

2. Date as many people to find your flavor (dating trains lack of commitment)

3. Touch, kiss, cuddle, caress "make love" to solidify the relationship

4. Be secretive about relationships

5. Sex is the foundation, what you get from your partner not what you give

Holy Word

1. Decide to be in love (deciding to be in love trains discipline even when things don't go well)

2. Courtship as a sign of commitment (courting trains commitment)

3. Flee fornication (sexual sin) as this causes the relationship to be strong

4. Be accountable about your relationship

5. Love is the foundation of the relationship, what you can give not what you can get.

These five comparisons on the different "truths" that are taught by Hollywood and the Holy Word help us to see how far apart these worlds are. Any Hollywood movie will teach the wrong perspective about relationships the choice is yours. Do you want a lasting fulfilling marriage or do you want a temporary empty thrill that ends in heartache?

Let's talk about this further you can respond on this blog or email me on

What do you think about Hollywood’s version of love?

Hollywood love is lust built on infatuation not lasting love built on commitments and covenant. Infatuation is a word built of two words intense foolishness. If a relationship birthed from infatuation does not develop to the level of commitment it will always be a shallow one that does not last. Hence the high divorce rate even among Christians. If we take our advise from the wrong source then we are in trouble. If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do? Move your relationship to a place of commitment so that you can build a strong relationship.