Monday, 5 December 2011

Planned Success Part II

Hi because of the serious demand and need for more wisdom from the young adults, to know how to be more successful in life I have had to post this earlier is was going to appear next week. Thank you for all that read and sent their comments on the previous blog, I am so glad you were blessed. And wow all the orders for the manual I see you have been provoked to see you life and future differently. I am still processing the other requests so please give me time. By end of day today (02/12/11) all outstanding orders will have been processed. If you noticed what the module is doing is it immediately attacks you as a person and what you look like and if you are honest you will be able to see all the areas you need to work on. Every answer that is not satisfactory to you or your mentor is an area to work on so you might need to take note of that in your personal development plans for the next year and have a strategy.

An example on page 13 at the bottom is the question “Do you change your mind often? YES___NO___ Do you usually finish everything you begin? If you answer is yeas to question 1 and no to question 2 it immediately tells me you are a reed kind of person like Simon and not a Petros (rock) so you need a strategy on how to develop in you a strong consistent focus that follows through on assignments till complete. Did you know that most people with plans fail to succeed because they give up just when success is about to knock at the door? I have seen many young men give up when the girl was about to say yes, then she says maybe he was not serious when he was just nervous that she was taking long. The opposite is also true I have seen young ladies put in a great strategy to get a good man and just the right guy was about to make a hit she is seen going for lunch with this weird guy whom everybody knows is a player sex weeks later the guy got what he wanted the lady is left broken hearted say all men are the same. No their not I know some good men out there if you need a CV let me know. Lol.

Ok enough on the personal development module lets relook at the other tools mention last time and discuss them briefly and their importance to your success strategy.  Let me focus on four tools that are closely related and very important.
Your vision document
Your diary
Your calendar 
Your journal
You all know Proverbs 29 vs. 18 where there is no vision the people perish” that certainly sounds like someone is failing in life doesn’t it? Another translation says when people do not accept divine guidance they run wild. Ouch, does this sound like you? Of course you have never run wild in your life, relationships, career and finances you’ve got it all together. Well I have run wild before so I know what it means. It is much better to run your life by a vision not a crisis.

Your vision document tables your personal vision to the “T”, it helps you to see where you are going and how you are going and what you need to get there and what you will do to get there and of course who you want to go with. The vision document should help you to be focused on a destination though success is not a destination but the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal (its in the module, order now and I am currently working on a tool that will assist you discover you personal vision and it will also assist in developing a vision corner. Wow where else can you get such powerful tools for free except at the Young adults couch. I know some people that go through courses worth as much as R5000 just to get the material you get on this blog. If you want to sow feel free to do that so you can eliminate the principle of valueless value. If you do not have a vision document that you are intimately acquainted with then you are in trouble talk t your mentor and sort that out immediately.
Your diary, calendar and journal are very related and very important but they are different. Growing up we used to abuse diaries. We would turn to the relevant page and right there what we did today. You would open a young persons diary and see something like this. 15 June 2011 Went to the shops and saw a pretty girl. She looks new in our area. Will investigate. Mom was angry when I got home because my room was a mess. I can see your smile, did you do that as well. Most of us are guilty. A diary is for planning the day and the week ahead in line with the vision. A calendar helps is to see the eagle view picture of the week month and year. We diarise the day so we can manage our time well, we journal the events that have been accomplished so we can see progress and review our performance we calendar events so we can plan our life better.

When you look at your calendar and diary it should be full of things that enhance the vision you have set for yourself. If you want to be a doctor and you calendar is full of soccer matches and pool parties then there is a problem. The secret of your success is hidden in your daily agenda, what you do daily and deliberately will determine where you end up. Wow I should say that again. Live a deliberate life not an accidental life. Do things because they were planned not just because they could be done. Proverbs 16 vs. 9 A mans heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps. Hey notice there must be a plan before the Lord can direct you. Have a vision and a strategy and then let God direct you even if it means He changes the plans totally.

When you look at the diary and calendar and you compare what you planned to do and what you actually did in your journal it will tell you whether you are making any headway in achieving what is in the vision document. Planned success is about setting out to succeed and putting out a path to make that happen and being diligent and accountable to follow through on that. You better make sure that you have these tools in your success kit. Fortunately these days you can get a four in one. The diary, journal, calendar and vision document are in tin the same thing with many other tool in there that are helpful like daily scripture readings and inspirational stories. Success thrives where there is inspiration. Well I got to stop here as this is a lot already. I will do a final blog on planned success as we look at the other tools that we did not look at.

As a special bonus I will continue the offer of the Success Paradigm 101 module until New Years Eve and I will also throw in some notes on how to plan your day well. These have been very helpful to me as I was taught to plan every day well. God bless you and live a life of planned success.

Pastor Xtreme
See you in the corridors of SUCCESS

1 comment:

  1. wow this is wonderful! i am now set on the path of success!
