Discovering My GAPS
Hi trust you are well and growing in your personal life. One phrase that should be a common part of your vocabulary an is “Personal Development” A large chunk of your time as young adult should be taken up by an obsession to develop yourself in the key areas of your life, like Market place skills, social, skills, financial skills and personal development skills. This particular blog “The young Adults Couch” is designed with that in mind. I see the blog is getting more and more hits. I have received a lot of interesting responses from you and that’s been encouraging. I have also received a lot of requests to cover some other topics. Wow that’s a lot of work but I will get there. We want to cover as many key areas in your life as possible.
One important area that helped me as I went through my three-year leadership development program was the self-assessment test that helped me discover my GAPS. Giftings, Abilities, Potentials and Strengths. Knowing my GAPS helped me to know what areas I needed to work on most if I was to develop myself for effective leadership. When you know what you have you are able to make it work better and work for you. If you are ignorant of what you have and what your GAPS are you will not be effective in your life.
Hi trust you are well and growing in your personal life. One phrase that should be a common part of your vocabulary an is “Personal Development” A large chunk of your time as young adult should be taken up by an obsession to develop yourself in the key areas of your life, like Market place skills, social, skills, financial skills and personal development skills. This particular blog “The young Adults Couch” is designed with that in mind. I see the blog is getting more and more hits. I have received a lot of interesting responses from you and that’s been encouraging. I have also received a lot of requests to cover some other topics. Wow that’s a lot of work but I will get there. We want to cover as many key areas in your life as possible.
One important area that helped me as I went through my three-year leadership development program was the self-assessment test that helped me discover my GAPS. Giftings, Abilities, Potentials and Strengths. Knowing my GAPS helped me to know what areas I needed to work on most if I was to develop myself for effective leadership. When you know what you have you are able to make it work better and work for you. If you are ignorant of what you have and what your GAPS are you will not be effective in your life.
Work on your list of Gaps so you can discover the GAPS you are supposed to fill in life. Your assignment is a gap you are suppose to fill in this world. Perhaps your list of GAPS fits into the profile of the person who is going to discover the cure for HIV, or the person who will bring in the next great invention. Maybe your GAPS are just to help us run things better. I am gifted at encouraging people and I have envelope that ability until it has become a strength. The reason I blog is because I discovered I write very well though my style is more interactive talk on a personal level; I enjoy blogging it fulfills me. What are you willing to do even if you were not payed for it?
Take five minutes to answer the following questions. Fly over the questions do not think too deeply on them have a pen ready and write your answers as quickly as they come to mind
1. What giftings do I have?
2. What abilities have I acquired?
3. What potentials do I posses?
4. What are my strengths?
I had a great time doing this exercise it helped me locate myself, its amazing what you discover about yourself when you take a few minutes to think through some of these things. It would be useful to go through your answers again and take more thought to each answer you gave and ask questions like how accurate is this answer? Is this a strength I should posses, develop and focus on? What can I do now to make a potential a reality? What steps can I take to enhance this strength and make it more useful and productive?
If you are courageous you could even go to your mentor and get some input from them. We often find it difficult o have someone speak into our lives at a personal level because we feel they are attacking us, but it is healthy to have an independent auditor doing your books because their opinion will be more accurate. When they are done with the assessment sit and compare notes and discuss your findings. It will help you both to know what to focus your attention and energy on as you work at becoming the great person God ordained you to become.
Wow these are loaded questions and answering them puts you at an advantage to one who has not asked themselves these questions. One of the things that helped me was doing a personality assessment that helped me discover who I am and what are the benefits and consequences of being me. It was a kind of cost benefit analysis. It helped me know what I needed to confront and deal in my life and what I needed to celebrate and increase. If you can answer the question ''who am I?'' you have done well but better still ask the question ''who should I be'' but best of all ask ''who does He (God) say that I the son of man am?'' when you can answer these question you are one step closer to stepping into the greatness He has prepared for you.
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